Friday, May 16, 2014

Bullying Can Lead to Positive Effects

Within all previous blogs, I have talked about the negative effects of bullying. Interestingly, I have not spent much time talking about the positive effects of bullying or of the benefits bullies gain from bullying others. Below you will find a news article which reveals that bullying might actually lead bullies to lead healthier lives. Without a doubt the brain is a unique and interesting organ, could it be that human nature actually benefits from causing harm to others. Although it might be the case, as the article points out, it is not an excuse for allowing bullying to occur.


Study Finds Health Benefits of Bullying

Bullying is a national problem and one that some of our nation's kids have unfortunately learned about the hard way. We've long heard that the emotional effects of bullying can last with kids long after, but a new study suggests it may also affect health in a surprising way.

This new study is so fascinating because it shows health problems can show up in those bullied long after the incident, but interestingly enough, the new study also shows that bullying may make the bully healthier.

The study was just published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers found that those who bullied saw a health boost that lasted long into adulthood.

People who were bullies showed lower levels of something called c-reactive protein, which is a marker for inflammation and could mean a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease.

The researchers say this shows the powerful role that social status and bullying can have in the health of a child and they say the results suggest that their role in bullying can either become a risk or protective health factor.

Of course, no one's advocating that children start bullying to reap these health benefits later but the researchers say it is certainly an interesting connection.

Viral Video of Bullied Girl

Here's a video that has gone recently viral.  The video showcases a possible case of normalization. The little girl accuses not only a boy of bullying her within her school bus, but also of bullying conducted by the driver of the school bus. Although the girl seems to have tried to obtain help, as she states within the video, she has been mostly ignored. Since this video has gone viral, most likely this case will be addressed, but what about the other cases which receive no attention?

Bullying Principle

Below is an article from "" written by Ashley A. Smith. This article highlights why it is important to investigate all aspects of bullying. One would never think a principle would be capable of bullying, since they are usually the individuals who are expected to set the example other people should follow. However, as stated within previous blogs, bullying seems to convey a power struggle. This article shows a possible case of a principle abusing his power in order to maintain it.

Fort Myers High principal accused of bullying by: Ashley A. Smith

Lee County school officials are investigating bullying and misconduct claims against Fort Myers High Principal Dave LaRosa.
The accusations emerged in an email this month by a sender named "Daniel Ryan". That email accused LaRosa of bullying teachers and students.
LaRosa was unavailable for comment, however, Amity Chandler, Lee's communications director sent this email response: "Like many in leadership, school principals will have supervised thousands of individuals over the course of their careers. It is inevitable that some may become dissatisfied with leadership. Unfortunately when an investigation is opened it is human nature for people to jump to conclusions.
"In every case however, the presence of an open investigation is a process that should not be construed as an immediate implication of guilt or innocence, but rather a reflection of our commitment to our students and families."
Carol Camp, who worked as an English teacher at Fort Myers High for 35 years, said she was bullied by LaRosa and resigned after seven years under his administration. Camp wasn't the writer of the email, but she was made aware of it by other teachers.
Camp said she launched a formal complaint in 2012.
"I had been there for 35 years, and I was truly under the impression that this really couldn't be happening. There must have been some mistake," she said.
Camp says LaRosa accused her of not being a good teacher. She was also moved to different classrooms, not given office space and some of her belongings were thrown away while she was on leave in Washington, D.C., taking care of her daughter.
"I was treated like a pariah," she said. "No one would speak to me."
Camp officially resigned in March.
She said other teachers have been treated in similar ways but are afraid of losing their jobs. Camp said she was approached by a group of them to go public with her story.
"I don't wish him any ill will, but I would like to see what I have gone through and what other teachers have gone through not happen again," Camp said. "We as teachers receive yearly in-service on bullying ... this year I wondered if my principal read that as well."
The News-Press attempted to seek a reply from the sender of the anonymous email, but the sender's account has been closed.
 Below is a chart provided by "". This chart contains steps people can take if they notice or think they notice acts of bullying. Perhaps this chart should be posted in all schools and in the workplace. If charts similar to these were found in schools and the workplace, perhaps there would be less bullying or at least the effects of bullying would be diminished since victims and/or bystanders would know the proper steps they should take.

 Get Help Now

When you, your child, or someone close to you is being bullied, there are many steps to take to help resolve the situation. Make sure you understand what bullying is and what it is not, the warning signs of bullying, and steps to take for preventing and responding to bullying, including how to talk to children about bullying, prevention in schools and communities, and how to support children involved.
After reviewing that information, if you feel you have done everything you can to resolve the situation and nothing has worked, or someone is in immediate danger, there are ways to get help.
The problemWhat you can do
There has been a crime or someone is at immediate risk of harm.Call 911.
Someone is feeling hopeless, helpless, thinking of suicide.Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Site exit disclaimer online or at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
The toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center in our national network. These centers provide 24-hour crisis counseling and mental health referrals.
Someone is acting differently than normal, such as always seeming sad or anxious, struggling to complete tasks, or not being able care for themselves.Find a local counselor or other mental health services
A child is being bullied in school.
Contact the:
  1. Teacher
  2. School counselor
  3. School principal
  4. School superintendent
  5. State Department of Education
See more on working with the school.
The school is not adequately addressing harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion.Contact:

Bullied News Anchor Video

Here's a video which highlights the fact that bullying not only occurs among children, but also among adults. This video also breaks other stereotypes, including that bullying occurs within schools. This video shows how bullying can occur within the workplace. In addition, this video reveals how cyber bullying can be conducted. Fortunately, this video also has a positive note. Note how the news anchor speaks of anonymous people standing up for her. Without a doubt this is an aspect society needs to work on: transforming bystanders into defenders. 

Listverse List on Bullying

Here is an interesting list regarding the depressing facts of bullying. This list was written by Morris M. from Although the author does not provide factual evidence to back-up his statements, this list is a great thought generator, which really gets you thinking about the various different depressing facts and consequences of bullying.

10 Deeply Depressing Facts About Bullying

Morris M.
Who here was bullied at school? If you’re from the US, chances are you experienced it at some point: Around 80 percent of all American school kids report being harassed by their peers. But modern bullying goes way beyond Nelson Muntz handing out wedgies and into some seriously dark, disturbing territory.

10It Destroys Your Future Job Prospects

The standard old-school view says bullying is a “natural part of growing up,” something we leave behind when we graduate to the world of work. But research suggests not only is this untrue, but being bullied can ensure we never even get to work at all.
In 2013, a group of researchers decided to check in on some young adults they’d included in a bullying study a decade and a half ago. Now in their mid-twenties, the group had grown up and seemingly moved on. But when the study doctors dug a little deeper, they found some shocking results. The subjects who had been bullied way back in middle school were nearly two times less likely to hold down a job than their non-bullied peers.
Unsurprisingly, this had a knock-on effect on the victims’ finances. Subjects who had been bullied were far more likely to live in poverty and make bad financial decisions. As the misery-flavored icing on this depressing cake, they also tended to suffer from health problems, leading to skyrocketing health bills.

9It Damages Your Mental Health

How many of you can still remember the absolute worst moments of your childhood? That time when you wet yourself when you were way too old to get away with it or got completely humiliated by some arrogant teacher? Now imagine feeling that about your entire childhood. It’d destroy you, right?
If recent research is anything to go by, the answer is a resounding “yes.” As another part of the above study, researchers looked into the long-term mental health effects of childhood bullying. Adults who were bullied at school suffered crippling levels of anxiety and agoraphobia, while also being prone to severe panic attacks. Meanwhile, those who had responded to being bullied by becoming bullies themselves were prone to awful depressions and feelings of panic. In short, cruelty that had happened up to 15 years beforehand was still wreaking havoc on its victims’ lives.

8It Can Get You In Trouble With The Law

It’s no secret that bullying sometimes gets so out of hand that the cops are called in. But although we might expect bullies to experience the odd run-in with the law, their victims surprisingly often experience the very same thing.
According to multiple studies, being long-term bullied as a kid increases your chances of being arrested. Not by some tiny amount—one study estimated that nearly a quarter of all kids who get picked on will wind up in a cell at some point.
The trouble is that late childhood and early adolescence are the times when we’re meant to learn social skills and how to be a part of society. If we spend all that time being beat on and made to feel like dirt, joining society no longer seems a desirable achievement. Long-term bullied kids shut off. They disconnect from the world around them and become miserable, angry, and bitter. All that anger and bitterness tends to come out when they hit adulthood, resulting in fights, petty crime, and jail time.

7It Affects The Entire Economy

But it’s not just those who were bullied who have to live with the effects. According to recent research, it affects all of us, whether or not we were even involved. Youth violence costs the US economy $158 billion every year.
This budget-shredding figure comes courtesy of Plan International, a charity devoted to children’s rights. They reached it by calculating public money lost by frightened kids skipping school and future earnings lost to those who drop out to escape their tormenters. They also agree that it’s only an estimate: The real figure is likely to be much higher. If true, this would mean the United States loses almost double the federal education budget annually to bullying.

6It Increases Sexual Violence

Most of us would consider childhood bullying and teenage sexual violence to be completely different things. But a joint study between the Center for Disease Control and Illinois University says otherwise. According to their research, there’s plenty of evidence for a “bully–sexual violence pathway.”
“Sexual violence” was taken to include acts like pulling down clothes, as well as groping or grabbing genitals. And, happily, only a small minority of children seemed to graduate from bullying to any of these things. But the researchers also noted that the problems get worse as the kids get older, culminating in some pretty dark stuff. Bullies sometimes transplant their sexual urges onto their victims, while other boys get so freaked out at the idea of being gay that they sexually harass girls to prove their heterosexuality.

5It Makes You Prone To Suicide

Studies have claimed adolescents who get picked on are around 2.5 times more likely to try to kill themselves. But what’s less well known is how that risk stays with you for life. In 2007, a UK study found that adults who had been bullied at school were twice as likely to attempt suicide in later life.
The study included over 7,000 people all the way from young adulthood right up to the elderly. It specifically controlled for other factors like childhood sexual abuse, violent parents, and having been a teenage runaway. Yet the authors still concluded that bullying alone could cause a significant rise in your adult suicide risk. In essence, bullying stays with you. And what seems like a harmless bit of schoolyard fun could in reality be a long-term death sentence.

4It Messes Up Everyone Involved

So far, we’ve focused mostly on the baggage victims get stuck with in later life, but bullies themselves can suffer as well.
On just about every single measurement that matters, bullies do as bad as or worse than their victims. They’re more likely to engage in risky behavior, experience negative financial outcomes, and suffer social problems as adults. The only measurement where they do better than their victims is health, and even then, they do worse than those who weren’t involved in bullying at all.
So what’s going on? Is this just a symptom of the classic tortured bully trope, where a kid lashes out because of inner pain? Well, maybe in some cases. But studies have shown that plenty of normal, well-adjusted, and popular kids become bullies, too. Unbelievably, it may be that the simple act of bullying messes up the perpetrator as much as it does the victim.

3We Can’t Solve It

By now, you might be feeling slightly depressed. At least there’s a ray of light, though. Just pump enough money into anti-bullying campaigns, and it’ll all be sorted, right? Well, sorry to bring you down even more, but Arlington University says otherwise.
In a study published in the Journal of Criminology, researchers examined over 7,000 kids at 195 different schools, with and without anti-bullying programs. Schools with bullying prevention procedures suffered higher rates of bullying than those without. According to the study’s authors, things like “anti-bullying week” not only awaken kids to the concept of picking on others, they unintentionally give them information on how to weasel out of punishment afterwards.
Things aren’t totally hopeless. The researchers suggest more sophisticated programs could help identify bully-victim dynamics and create tailor-made prevention policies. But unless a lot of people are willing to pump a lot of money into them, these projects likely won’t ever get off the ground.

2Kids Actively Reward It

If we adults are powerless to help bullied kids, then it’s tempting to think maybe the kids themselves can make a difference. Only don’t hold your breath: A recent UCLA study revealed that middle school kids get more popular the more they bully.
This creates a massive problem for campaigners. If kids associate being a bully with being the coolest kid in class and standing up to bullying with getting beaten for your lunch money, then they’re going to side with the bullies every time. In fact, only the top 2 percent of universally liked kids in any given grade and the bottom 2 percent of universally despised kids seem immune from the need to bully, according to the study. For everyone else, acting like a total jerk is a guaranteed way up the social ladder.

1It’s Human Nature

Every single society in human history has had bullies, in one form or another. If you want something to blame, look no further than evolution.
Bullying exists across the animal kingdom, and in primates, it serves a very specific function. Chimps or apes who fail to conform to a group dynamic can endanger everyone around them or at least make the group less effective at surviving. So a bit of bullying can keep wayward primates in line.
Humans no longer need strict conformity and total cooperation to survive, yet our urge to pick on others remains. The whole thing is nothing more than a throwback, a septic appendix poisoning the entire body of humanity. And we’re stuck with it.

Follow this link to view the original list on its website

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Video 4

Group 5 discusses the struggles of our papers and the course as a whole.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014